Thank you — from my heart!

Dear friends,
To those of you who have been journeying with me through the stories of this life and many lives — I want to take this blog post to say a heartfelt THANK YOU.
healing energy handsSince I started this blog in June, I have written 32 posts. I hope some of them have been helpful, inspiring or healing. I hope some have made you ponder, reflect or smile.
Perhaps some have made you cry.
When a writer can touch the human heart — the collective heart of humanity — this is a gift beyond measure.
So, as we draw toward the end of 2015 I want to THANK YOU again for taking time to read my blog, to share your comments and thoughts.
My intention in starting this blog was that we share this journey together. For it is only together that we find our way home — the home of our authentic selves and the home within, where I believe the Divine lives, breathes and has presence and being.
I am going to take a respite during the holidays. I believe we find grace and creativity in the spaces between the words, the rests and pauses between the notes. So I am allowing some fallow space to see where and how I might continue to serve this blog and you, as I am led, as the Divine Beloved leads.
I hope to return in the New Year with more Stories for the Journey.
I am humbled and privileged by the daily stories I hear and see in my life: those struggling with poverty and illness; those rejoicing in the birth of a child; those caught in uncertainty as to what’s next in life; and those who have just lost loved ones and will struggle through this holiday season.
HANDSTOUCHINGS-33_000As I said before, we share this collective journey — and story — together. I hope this blog offers, not answers, but hope. But even more important, I pray that we can offer that hope to one another each and every day.
May this Christmas and holiday season be filled with deep peace, healing and joy, for you and your loved ones.
From my heart to yours, as always, with much love and deep gratitude!


(The link below is to one of my favorite traditional songs,  “For the Beauty of the Earth,” especially this stanza:
For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child, friends on earth and friends above, for all gentle thoughts and mild … Lord of all to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise.)
With thanks to TheNCrew Eli Eli.